Other Specialties
Fees Information
Registration fee: 50,000 FCFA
Tuition fee: 500,000 FCFA
payable in 4 Installments
Objectives of this course
This course enables student develop a deep understanding of the nature and procedures of management in welfare aid human resource management. this course provides room and human resource management and analysis critical situations on managerial work

Graduates can acquire employment in place of management training, other graduates training programmes, in personnel department of both domestic and international companies.
In addition; graduates can also become management consultants, international managers and so on.

Expected Skill
After studying this program you should be expected to :
- Administer individual salary files;
- Effect declarations dictated by law;
- Identify the needs for training of the personnel;
- Define the needs for training;
- Inform the personnel on the labour code and the peculiarities of the
enterprise; - Control the pay vouchers of the personnel;
- Establish pay slips;
- Carry out the administrative follow-up of human resources operations;
- Carry out interview in view of employment;
- Follow up outsources service contracts;
Azimut Sup
Azimut Sup est reconnu pour ses infrastructures modernes et une pedagogie interactive mettant l’etudiant au centre de sa formation.

What immediately impressed me at the Institut Supérieur Azimut is the human and social dimension of teachers towards students, classes with reduced numbers facilitating a personalized follow-up of learners.

Ma gratitude envers l’Institut Supérieur Azimut, restera éternelle. La racine de mon succès se trouve à ISA. Aujour’hui, haut cadre dans une grandes entreprises du Cameroun.
Je suis de la promotion 2016 et 2017.