Bachelor's Degree in MARKETING
Other Specialties
Fees Information
Registration fee: 50,000 FCFA
Tuition fee: 500,000 FCFA
payable in 4 Installments
A bachelor’s degree is the usually the preferred degree type to enter the world of marketing and there are many opportunities awaiting the graduates. The program seeks to equip students with knowledge to make known, make love and make consume a product or service produced by an enterprise.
A career in Marketing can be demanding-long hours of traveling are often required, but field rewards merit and performance.
Objectives of this course
This specialty aims to respond to a need expressed by businesses: surround of commercial equipped, perfectly impregnated with the logic marketing, sensitized on the changing needs of the consumer and oriented toward the development of sales in an environment characterized by the competition.
Expected Skill
After studying this program you should be expected to :
- Understand strategic logic marketing;
- Understand the challenges faced by thebusiness in a competitive environment;
- Understand the determinants of the commercial success of thecompany;
- Sell in anaffordable manner and cost effective;
- Lead a sales team toward theachievement of objectives;
- Animate a point of sale;
- Do the carry out bench marking to increase sales.
- The understanding of the international economy;
- The mastery of foreign languages; cross cultural
- The Ability to negotiate;
What does a marketing professional do?
Depending upon your chosen career path, people in marketing engage in a wide variety of job duties. Here are some of the tasks that marketing professionals perform:
- Negotiate contracts, advertising media, or products to be advertised,
- Research and plan advertising campaigns,
- Decide which media to advertise in, such as radio, television, print, online and billboards,
- Negotiate contracts,
- Inspect creative elements and layouts,
- Organize market research studies and analyze their findings,
- Develop pricing strategies for products to be marketed, keeping the client’s budget balanced with the firm’s needs,
- Meet with clients to present campaigns and offer advice and strategies,
- Oversee staff and ensure deadlines are met.
What career paths can I take in marketing?
The marketing field is demanding and competitive but offers great rewards for those with talent and the drive to excel.
Here are some common types of top marketing managers:
Advertising managers create interest for products and services and work with sales staff to design advertising campaigns for clients. They also prepare the budgets for these campaigns. There are two types of specialized advertising managers: media directors, who oversee how a campaign will reach customers through the use of various types of media; and account executives, who manage accounts but do not participate in the creative and media output angles of a campaign.
Public relations managers are responsible for maintaining a positive public image for their client base and generate press releases and programs to promote that image
Marketing managers estimate the demand for a product and identify markets in which the product will best thrive and prosper, as well as develop pricing strategies to help maximize market share.
Promotions managers direct and plan programs by using direct mail, Internet advertising, store displays, special events, sweepstakes and contests, social media and endorsements to increase sales and profits.
Brand managers are responsible for creating and instituting brand assets for a company or product
Sales managers direct sales force and set goals and enforce profit projections for the team and for the organization.
Market research analysts study market conditions to explore the potential sales of a product or service and estimate its profitability; gather data about who will buy a product and at what price
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What immediately impressed me at the Institut Supérieur Azimut is the human and social dimension of teachers towards students, classes with reduced numbers facilitating a personalized follow-up of learners.

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