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What immediately impressed me at the Institut Supérieur Azimut is the human and social dimension of teachers towards students, classes with reduced numbers facilitating a personalized follow-up of learners.
Hervé Mukam
- Banking and Finance
- Accountancy
- Marketing
- Assistant Manager
- Management of N.G.O
- Project Management
- Human Ressource Management
- Information System Management
- Events Management
- International Trade
- Microfinance
- Legal Assistant
- Business Law
- Customs and Transist
- Tax Management
- Journalism
- Advertising and Public Relation
- Corporate Communication
- Media Photography and audio visual
- Telecommunication
- Network and Security
Azimut Sup
Azimut Sup est reconnu pour ses infrastructures modernes et une pedagogie interactive mettant l’etudiant au centre de sa formation.