Other Specialties
Fees Information
Registration: 50,000 FCFA
School fees: 750,000 FCFA
payable in 4 installments
Objectives of this course
The objective of this specialty is to train experts in the organization and management of logistics and transport in the local, regional and international markets, taking into account the complementary modes of transport and sustainable development. They will in this exercise have to master foreign languages,communication and negotiation techniques, management techniques, and optimizing flow of goods, management of warehouses, and the exploitation of urban transport network.
Concentration Areas
Port and Shipping Management is designed to provide the students with adequate skills and knowledge in functional areas of the port and shipping sectors. It also gives a holistic view of the sector integrating various areas viz. port management, maritime law and maritime economics which helps them to gain a thorough understanding of the maritime business and taking up employment in the same.
International Transportation and Logistics Management is a program designed to provide an exposure to ‘Management of the domestic and international modes of Transportation’ in today’s rapidly changing economic scenario
Expected Learning Outcome
The MBA Programme is designed to transform students to become competent managers of businesses and imparting a high level of business, technical and leadership skills to enable them to perform as leaders at the top of their respective
The MBA programme endeavor to create lasting changes as outcomes in the life and work of its students who will follow the programme and whose graduate qualities
would be represented by the following outcomes.
Student should know better i.e., gain knowledge
Student should be able to do better i.e., improve skills and competencies
Student should become a better person i.e., a better manager and leader
In addition to the above objectives, students will also improve their skills to be able to:
- Ensure the piloting of a logistics chain;
- Know a wide range of techniques linked to the use of the logistics
chain (storage, handling, workflow, transport, etc); - Facilitate and coordinate exchange between the internal
stakeholders of the enterprise; - Contribute to the rapid resolution of problems between suppliers and customers;
- Manage change and promote solutions necessary for the adhesion of partners;
- Have knowledge of marketing so as to identify the expectations of customers and strike a compromise between efficiency and quality in a context of competition;
- Conceive adaptable structures, permanently interacting with the
multiple environmental components ; - Practice methods which are flexible and rational, to materialize
theaction and permit the regulation of flows through the
development of a logistics system and good information networks;
Jobs opportunities
– Manager of transport units;
– Inventory Manager;
– Warehouse Manager;
– Stock Control and Store Keeper;
– Purchasing Manager ;
– LogisticsEngineer;
– Supply Chain Manager;
– International Logistics Manager;
– Analyst;
– Logistics Consultant;
– Transport and logistics service provider;
– Authorized customs agent;
– Controller of SGS;
– Import and Export Agent
– Intermediate staff members of the Maritime Administration
– Port Officials/Administrators
– Shipping Line Personnel
– Shipping Agency Personnel
– Maritime Controllers
– Ship Brokers
– Customs Brokers
– Consolidators
– Maritime/Shipping Teachers
– Marine Insurance Officials/Personnel
– Customs Officials
– Logistics Officers
– Transport Officers
– Supply chain Officers
– Commercial Managers
– Freight Managers
– Delivery Officers
– Terminal Operators
Azimut Sup
Azimut Sup est reconnu pour ses infrastructures modernes et une pedagogie interactive mettant l’etudiant au centre de sa formation.

What immediately impressed me at the Institut Supérieur Azimut is the human and social dimension of teachers towards students, classes with reduced numbers facilitating a personalized follow-up of learners.

Ma gratitude envers l’Institut Supérieur Azimut, restera éternelle. La racine de mon succès se trouve à ISA. Aujour’hui, haut cadre dans une grandes entreprises du Cameroun.
Je suis de la promotion 2016 et 2017.